DO-335 Pfeif (Arrow).

Hi dear modelers!

I want to describe my model about.

I built the model DO-335 due I wanted so much to build a semi scale flying model.

The plane was liked its aggressive shapes. It is terrifying beauty. Especially in the air it looks like an artillery shell or missile or torpedo.

I decided that this model can fly speedy and it is long to fly strait.

The ESM produces heavy solid models. It is very well for speedy DO-335 ESM.

My opinion. If you are planning building this model, it will made with electric motors only if you want to have two working motors. It has problem with balancing. I had to have 4 kg in the nose to balance 1 kg in the tail. It is so serious that one person from rcuniverce who built the same model had to move servos from stab to fuz and he had to make pushrods.

Electric motors about. My deepest conviction that suitable size for electric motor is 9 kg, wingspan 1800 mm, 12S 5000 mA, working current till 60 A in case of one motor. Therefore, twin can be more 2 meters and weight until 18 kg – it is mine one.

I like flying than building. I am able to build also. It is ensorcelled building model with unusual technical fly dates as well. I like F3A type of flying. It is strait and unlimited vertical. Of course speed and knife-edge. I do not like model that cannot fly knife-edge. Especially in case of semi scale when flying is like a miracle.

I like heavy models. I am sure it should be both a heavy and a big enough in order to fly how on rails. The most thing is not weight; it is balance between weight – wing square – powers. Who does not know I can say – any warbird should carry weight.

I like follow – thrust is more than model’s weight and loading is 200 g/sq. dm in case of wingspan 2 meters.

In addition, one thing more why I like DO-335. It was record plane, which was not spoiled by militaries. It was impossible to use it in the war time due it was very complicated plane. But the fly ability was so great that project was not closed. It was plane for the air which did not kill anybody.

Model about.

I use props with two blades, I think they more effective than ones with three blades also I could not find suitable three blades props.

Undercarriage guards were lost during the second fly under the forest. The Chinese didn’t think that the model can fly so fast.

The tail spinner was scaled down to have cooling the tail motor otherwise the scale air intake sucks the cutting grass by nose prop.

Push – pull thrust about. If props have different rotation, the model have swinging tendency on low speed as prototype as well. I took a chance to set the same direction of rotation. The model has a lot of yaw but it was corrected with mixing to rudder. The spectacular doesn’t watch it.

As result, I have had a good flying model.

Best regards to Klaus Dornier

Maiden fly.