UltraSport twin

It is my first and single twin model now. It was built according plan of 40 size Kit Ultra Sport model Great planes. Construction was a little bit changed according twin engine model specification. The model was built in short term. It seems took two or three months. The maiden fly was making at 2006. Almost all 2006 season I flied this model. The model was in crash on the first fly the next 2007 season. The fuselage was totally broken. Wing had minor damages. Nacelles were separated from wing and leading edge had damage in one place. I rest the crashed model in my garage. It stayed there till winter 2012. At that time I decided to give model somebody to repair. I tried to sale broken model for symbolic 100 rubles (3 US dollars). A buyer should follows only one thing. The model should be restored in glow 2 or 4 strokes twin. I had two 30 Magnum 4 strokes on it. During almost two months nobody wanted to buy the model. I had dilemma or to throw it as garbage or to repair. I couldn’t throw the model to garbage and during a couple weeks the model was recovered. I made the minor changes only. The engines were installed sideward in the first. I replaced they upward to simple starting and turning.

The covering was changed also. If the first one had had dark blue top and dark blue bottom – it was too moody for my opinion. Now the model is white with checkered bottom of wing and stab and red the top front of wing for better visibilities in case approaching the model.

The maiden fly after repair was spring 2012. Thanks to Gennadiy this moment was fixed on video.

It didn’t happen anything unusual. The model was untrimmed like new one. After takeoff the model started to raise altitude sharply, I pushed elevator stick ahead to compensate it too much. You can see this on video as waving fly. The model was trimmed to achieve straight fly. The rest flight was usual.

I tried some maneuvers but they were performed badly due lack of speed. The model started diving almost when I finished a roll. I used 10x5 props. The props were changed to 9x8. The model flied with successful result after this. My good friend Vladimir, great expert in video, made this video.

This model has survived a lot of single engine landing. I had unexpected stops, I filled one tank only for takeoff, I stopped one engine. All this situations has helped me writing articles emergency about. I hope that next spring I’ll be able to make some video about wrong actions of pilot and recovery in those cases.