Single engine landing twin model isn’t difficult at all. /Part II.

Symptoms stopping one engine.

It is very important to find out stopping one engine. The sooner you find out stopping engine you will have more chances to land safety.

Let’s list the symptoms when one engine has stopped.

  1. Engine thrust decrease twice in case of twin or quarter in case of four engine models.
  2. Propeller doesn’t rotate. It is additional stimulus to set controller to brake in case of electro motors.
  3. The line of smoke from dead engine disappears.
  4. It is almost all symptoms emergency situation multi engine model. Of course on your model you can find another additional symptoms mine one has only these ones.

  5. Model has weak reaction or no reaction than you are trying turning or banking to one direction. It will be living side and another side has stopped.
  6. Model has stronger reaction than you are trying turning or banking to one direction. It means that you are trying turning to the dead side.
  7. Model begins turning to one side while you are increasing RPM. It is dead side.

As you have mistrust stopping one engine the best decision will be move throttle stick to idle and fly close to you watching propeller.

This is all symptoms I know.

If you expect you will hear stopping engine it is myth. First of all pilots are eyes, head and arms. You have to analyze behavior of the model and how it responses your commands always. While you sort out tones of sound the model will be crashed.

Now you know main symptoms. Let’s return to emergency flying.

From Part I you know two methods of piloting in such situation.

  1. Switch off or bring to idle remaining engine and try to make dead stick landing as single engine model. It is a good way but model cannot cover significant distance.
  2. Try to fly on one remaining engine to safety rich runway. You know the model can cover significant distance but it is difficult. From Part I you know you should avoid turning to the dead side or the best such turn has to be prohibited. Turn to the other side very difficult or impossible. Trees, pit area, spectaculars or e.t.c.

At first sight you are in very difficult situation. Where is out from this dead situation? It is very simple. You should combine two type of piloting.

Let’s write pluses of each type.

  1. You can control of model as usual, but when you have enough speed or on descent only. You can make usual turns with ailerons and elevator or ruder both direction. (It is flying with remaining engine on idle.)
  2. You can give full throttle but turns are prohibited in both directions. (The living engines on full or almost full throttle.)

As soon as you have recognized one engine did stop or you have such distrust the fly should be on such scenario:

You have to apply full or almost full throttle on straight path. Light turning model should be compensated with rudder. You should keep in mind recommendations from Part I when model is close to stall. When you rich point of turn you should realize throttle to idle (you excluded different of thrust and lift almost) and make usual turn to any convenient direction. . Keep attention on speed. It is needed increase speed moving elevator stick ahead to descent model and gaining speed. Don’t touch throttle if you do not know what side dead. When you become master you will able to give some power turning to living side. As turn is completed you can smoothly apply throttle again watching model behave.

Let’s write two gold rules holding twin in the air on one engine.

  1. Then model faster you can apply more throttles.
  2. If you apply ailerons don’t touch the throttle and vice versa. If you apply throttle the ailerons must be realized. You must avoid using throttle and ailerons simultaneously.

Multi is not so dangerous as twin. Mine one is controlled in three engines like in four ones. I feel lack of power only. It turns without problems to any directions. I cannot gain height only. If you model has more two engines I advise following my recommendation when you have noticed stopping one engine. You will understand how controlling model in few seconds.

Now you know all single engines flying about. Of course I cannot insure that you rich runway in all occasions. But if you follow my recommendation your model will never fall down in tight dangerous spiral. Possible damages are broken landing gear. It is less than broken fuselage and totally destroyed wing.

At last I want remain that any expensive model must be broken if you model in emergency or normal situations is danger to other pilot or spectaculars.

You will see master class single engine fly in the next article. It will be short video with mine remarks describing my action and possibly results if I made wrong controls.